Article by Aizad Siddique Khan

YOUTH to most of the people in PAKISTAN is a group of carefree people with latest gadgets in their hands. Hence this isn’t true and Y O U T H of Pakistan is one of the most talented ones in the whole world. We can change anything.

As per books, Youth is an alternative word to the scientifically-oriented adolescent and the common term of teen and teenager, another common title for youth is young person or young people or pupil. And according to United Nation the term Youth will be fixed on those who are in between 15-25 years of age.

And for now according to my research youth is that spark which needs no ignition. The young or youth do not enough to be prudent, and therefore youth attempt the impossible and achieve it, generation after generation. Our Youth is socially responsible and moreover working dedicatedly to see Pakistan attains and developed status.


The youth of Pakistan are hopeful pupil; we trying to make our future conducive with the help of valuable advice from our teachers, colleagues, seniors who are the full of princely behavior at timely help. And they are attempting their laborious and onerous task. According to valuable commandments gave by Quaid-e-Azam. A few of us have painful experience but the others are taking instructive experience from their thoughts and teaching, while the sensible suggestion gives them pathway to make Pakistan a wealthy region.

We the youth of Pakistan may also referred as “Nation Builders”. Because youth plays significant role for development of Pakistan not only economically also morally and practically. We all know better that what’s going on but for this history will salute us, because other things at this time, if  we ask someone that whom faith you belongs to, 90% of them said to be that I’m Muslim even though in the past that we heard from the same faces their answer was strange-ably changed. These thoughts proved the first principle of Quaid-e-Azam which was FAITH.


And today we are not only Baloch, Punjabi, Pathan, Sindhi or even and Urdu speaker, we realize from where and what we belongs to which is the only one thing, Pakistan. For this Second principle of Quadi-e-Azam has now proved that youth is on the track which is relates to UNITY. As well as youth also moving towards discipline and are being disciplined as well.

Youth of Pakistan has made a portfolio named as Youth Parliament, and a Nobel Prize Winner Society of Pakistan. Having a vision and aim such as conceived, conceptualized and planned to execute with a vision to empower the youth of Pakistan with the ability to understand the importance of their role in community services and to nurture their leadership qualities.

We, as youth build skills relevant to young people’s personal development, as well as their role within a group. Because this will help to analyze their strength and weaknesses and set personal and vocational goals. But on a group level, we develop the ability for new comers to work with us and with others to create a shared vision and to draw on the talents, skills, and energy of others.

1)      In education sector youth of Pakistan covers and developing both basic and applied academics competencies and skills. We have an example of a girl from Swat valley name Malala Yousafzai who done a great job for the upcoming students by provide them a better work platform according to education.


2)      We   also provide psychological help, thriving relates to physical and mental health and overall well-being. Effective youth development activities prepare, support, and assist youth in making healthy choices in all phases of their lives.


3)      While communication relates to the development of positive social attitudes, skills, and behaviors so that youth feel a part of programs and their community. Mentoring is an example of the type of activity that can contribute to the feeling of being connected or communicate between together.


4)      Youth works in regards to occupational and career skills, attitudes, and behaviors which needs to success in the workplace. Employment and work-based activities help to validate out self-worth, as well as to explore abilities and interests.

They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.

We must get control of this. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing

Those of you are in age of teen, You have a choice. You can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get jobs. Show the older generation they are wrong about you. Let them know you have intelligence and skills. Show yourself what you are made of. You might be surprised at how proud of yourself you become with even the smallest of accomplishments. I can tell you that nothing can happen if you do not try, bad or good. You will not become rich overnight either way but at least if you make an effort, then you have begun your journey to your dreams..

Thus the youth of any nation should cultivate all those habits which contribute to the over all well being of the people of respective nations. Such an attitude would help them in becoming role models for the future citizens of any nation. The youth is the most energetic and the future of any nation depends on them hence they should act in a responsible manner.

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